Purchase Tickets Online
Purchase tickets prior to your visit to our gardens and museum. Each time slot features a limited number of tickets to facilitate physical distancing and ensure the comfort and safety of all visitors. Agecroft Hall and Gardens has instituted increased cleaning measures and other safeguards. Additional information about our procedures is located below.
Winter Hours (Jan. & Feb.): Thursday - Sunday
12:00pm - 5:00pm, last house tour at 4:00pm
Standard Hours resume March 1st.
Closed Mondays, Easter, Christmas & Christmas Eve, and National Holidays
Looking for tickets to our events, special focus tours, lectures, and virtual offerings? Click Here.
Based on current CDC guidelines and state mandates, unvaccinated museum guests are encouraged to wear masks indoors while visiting Agecroft Hall & Gardens. Social distancing measures remain in place through timed ticketing and capacity limits on indoor tours and programs. Unvaccinated registrants for children's programming are also encouraged to wear masks. We continue to follow CDC guidance and will make updates to our policy in accordance with federal and state recommendations.